Exclusive: Jagged Edge’s Kyle Norman, now sober and married to the woman he choked

Mr and Mrs Kyle Norman - Photo Credit: Jonell Media PR
Kyle and Marrika Norman (Photo credit: Jonell Media PR for Steed Media Service)

In January of 2015 Jagged Edge member Kyle Norman was arrested on aggravated assault charges. He choked his fianceé by literally shoving her wedding ring down her throat. The two have since made amends. Norman’s fiancée, Marrika Maria, has made enormous progress in her recovery from her injuries, which required several surgeries. She looks great and is now proud to be Mrs Kyle Norman.

The newlyweds celebrated their very impromptu, informal wedding at the Suite Food Lounge ATL. A very lavish, small, private dinner setting was prepared consisting of close family and friends who have been very supportive during this trying time.

Marrika is in the process of writing a book for battered women. Marrika explained the term battered woman was once a terminology she was very much embarrassed about, however, since the incident in January,she has learned to embrace the term and help other women seek comfort. She and Kyle want to start counseling couples who are faced with similar situations.

“Crediting my deep prayers and talks with God, my deep love for Kyle and conviction that Kyle really does love me and has vowed not to place his hands on me ever again. I am not listening to the naysayers who keep trying to say he doesn’t love me and encourage me to leave. I will admit, I am in a lot of pain every day, physically. I am on several different pain medications which keep me up. I am not able to get more than three hours of sleep. I’m attending counseling three times per week and I know in my heart that God will help me get through this. I’m blessed to be alive and still have the love and support of my familyl I am finding it easier each day to shun the haters that leave me text messages and voicemails,” says Marrika.

When asked if he wanted to make a statement to the public, Kyle said, “Fellas, we as men have a problem with our apologies. If you make a mistake, own up to it and man up! That’s what I had to do to get my queen back. I apologize to my brothers of Jagged Edge, to my family, my wife and my fans and anyone I let down. I let myself down and my family, and for that I apologize. And I got myself some help. I don’t drink or do drugs anymore and I have changed my entire way of living and thinking. It’s never too late to change. I am just happy she has given me this opportunity to spend the rest of my life with her showing her how much I really do love her. I’m giving her all the hot sauce she wants [smiles].

What do you think? Is this the new normal? Break up to make up and then get married? Or is this just another case like the Ray Rice situation where the man needs to marry the woman so she doesn’t testify against him; or he hopes to get his criminal charges dropped?

Kyle Norman and Jai Jerrell photo credit L Jonell MediaPR
Kyle Norman and Marrika Maria (Photo credit: Jonell Media PR for Steed Media Service
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