

photo by steed media service

In yet another embarrassing event for the state of Georgia, which already has the distinction of being the home of some of the fattest, (14th), and dumbest (46th in SAT scores), people in the nation, comes news that law enforcement just might be recruiting its officers from the ranks of the fat and stupid.

In Jonesboro, Ga., a suburb of Atlanta, an employee of a fast-food restaurant was arrested on a charge of reckless conduct for preparing a salt-laden burger for a police officer, which subsequently made him ill. Apparently, the worker informed her supervisor that she had over salted the meat and the decision was made to serve the burger anyway. There is no indication the worker knew the burger would be served to a police officer. She also consumed a burger from the same batch of meat with no ill-effects. Upon recovering from his illness, the officer returned to the restaurant to ascertain the identity of the responsible party. Instead of admitting their part in the incident – making the decision to serve the burger – management not only offered up the cook as a sacrificial lamb, they failed to back up her version of the events. After being question by the officer (no word on whether she was Mirandized) the cook was taken into custody. The 20-yearold mother of a 1-year-old baby spent the night in jail and was suspended by her employer.

Police brass in defending the officer’s action reportedly said the cook made conflicting statements. So what? When you make a decision to eat fast food you freely choose to take on the risk of ingesting a fat and salt-laden meal, especially if the establishment offers healthier alternatives to fried burgers. This incident does not rise to the level of a criminal offense. Except on the part of the fathead officer. –p. d. lee

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