in the name of the king: a dungeon siege tale

in the name of the king: a dungeon siege tale 

in the name of the king: a dungeon siege tale

Freestyle Releasing The much-hated Uwe Boll returns to the multiplexes with this feature (based on a video game) about a man at war with a race of warrior creatures called the ‘Krugs.’ Writer-director Boll has made an epic fantasy film that perhaps befits his reputation. Jason Statham is Farmer, who wishes to rescue his kidnapped wife and avenge his son’s killing. Ray Liotta stars as Gallian, the treacherous leader of the Krugs’ army. Statham, Reynolds and actress Kristanna Loken all shine in their parts. However, much of the dialogue is unintentionally funny – even hilarious. The story line is also problematic. It could be seen as serendipitous that this grade of material went to a director of Boll’s caliber. Had he gotten The Departed, it would’ve been a tragedy. – forrest green III

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