BET’s COLLEGE HILL: ATL – Leaders of the New School


Words by DeWayne Rogers, Adam Jones contributed to the story.
Images by Michael Melendy for Steed Media Service
Turn on any channel … and I mean any channel, and you’re bound to get a dose of reality television at some point during that particular network’s day of scheduled programming. That’s just the “reality” of television these days. From Flavor Flav’s never-ending quest for true love to America seeking its seemingly 200th idol, this country’s fascination with the reality world knows no limits. So when BET decided to enter the fray with their own original series entitled “College Hill,” you could understand why some television purists collectively thought, “here we go again … another reality show.”

But five seasons later, “College Hill” has successfully quieted many of those same critics by giving America an honest look inside the lives of black college students working diligently to define that delicate balance between work and play. This season, the BET express rolled into Atlanta and selected eight students from various colleges in the metropolis in order to observe them working, learning and playing together.

But who are these students who have garnered a national audience and are streaming through your television set every Tuesday at 10 p.m.? I think it’s time we found out.
Sira – 22
Originally from Guinea, West Africa, and steadily pushing herself toward graduation as a senior finance major at Georgia State University, Sira was quick to point out the infinite value gained by being a part of “College Hill’s” fifth season, both personally and professionally.

“Everyone in the house wants to be in the entertainment industry some way, somehow — so this is definitely going to give us a lot of exposure,” she explains. “But personally, this experience helped me out a lot because I’ve never lived with people outside of my family. So when I was in the house, I learned a lot of things about myself. They kept calling me bossy, and I had to learn how I come across from other people’s perspectives. So the entire process helped me out a great deal.”

Anthony – 24
This junior mass media arts major proudly hails from South Orange, N.J. As a student at Clark Atlanta University, and as the oldest member of the house, Anthony’s wisdom shone through in a profound manner when he was asked to sum up the lessons learned throughout his experience in the house. “More than anything, what I’ve learned from this experience is that you can’t judge a book by its cover,” he states. “Who are we to judge anyone here?”

Dorion – 19
You can see it in his face — Dorion really wants to make his mark in the entertainment world. And this sophomore mass communications major at Clark Atlanta University is well on his way to realizing those dreams. Born in Beaumont, Texas, Dorion quickly learned that everyone isn’t all that they’re cracked up to be in this vicious world of entertainment.

“I think what’s shocked me the most about the entertainment industry so far is just the dirtiness that exists,” Dorion laments. “You really have to grind, hustle and be smart, because there are definitely people out here that will try to take advantage of you. Being on the show
and getting a chance to meet more people within the industry allowed me to learn that lesson quickly.”

Shavon – 22
A senior fashion merchandising major currently attending Clark Atlanta University, this College Park, Ga., native used the extreme circumstances that surrounded the filming for “College Hill,” as fuel to propel her ambitions of superstardom.

“I didn’t know there was so much work that went into being an entertainer,” she confesses. “From constantly having to be on camera, to always having the energy to give your best, whether its making appearances or doing interviews, there’s just so much that goes into it. This was a good test for me. Even though it was difficult, it just made me want to do it that much more.”

Ashley L. – 22
The Savannah, Ga., native is currently a senior business management major at Georgia State University. While her fellow cast members reminisced on the constant laughter that was born out of the show’s experience, Ashley L. was quick to point out one of the sobering realities of participating in reality television.

“The experience of taping a reality show is really interesting, because you just wish that they portrayed you in an honest way,” she reveals. “A lot of situations were made bigger than they were, and then a lot of big situations weren’t even acknowledged at all. That’s the frustrating part, when you think about the 24-hour days that you put in, and then to have it all broken down into 30-minute segments. To me, that’s not always fair.”

Ashley R. – 21
A senior marketing major attending Georgia State University from Lithonia, Ga., Ashley conveys the heart of a woman keenly focused on reaching for the stars, while still maintaining the integrity that got her to this point in the first place.

“It’s important for me to always work hard and be about my business, so people can know that I am not just another pretty face,” she shares. “At the end of the day, I want people to respect me for my talent and my drive, instead of just giving me an opportunity because they want something in return. I respect myself and my abilities way too much to go that route.”

Dennis – 19
A sophomore sociology major attending Morehouse College, Dennis found that being continuously followed around by the cameras wasn’t an easy task. For this Columbia, S.C., native and the rest of his cast mates, the nonstop filming definitely took some getting used to.
“One of the biggest concerns that we had throughout the house, was kind of curbing who you wanted to be on TV when you have viewers looking at you,” he explains. “But you’re always around cameras, and you’re always around these people, so your personality is going to come out one way or another. They are going to put you in situations where your natural personality is going to come out, so you should just sit back, relax, and go with the flow of things. It’ll be a lot easier than if you try to … edit yourself. That was one thing that I had to learn, because I ain’t gonna lie, there were some times when I tried to … edit myself. But for the most part, what you’ll see is me 100 percent.”

Drew – 21
An Atlanta native and senior at the University of West Georgia majoring in mass communications, Drew was missing in action for the rolling out cover shoot, a point that wasn’t overlooked by some of his more honest cast members.

“He keeps saying that he is 20 minutes away, but we were supposed to be here at 1 p.m., which was like an hour and a half ago,” fumes Dorion. “It’s always something with him.” Shavon adds, “People need to understand that this is like a job. You can’t say that you want to make it, but then not put in the work that it takes to get there. Some people just don’t get it.”

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