myorr janha – clothes make the man

myorr janha - clothes make the manAs hip-hop music has reached it’s 30s, most of hip-hop’s first generation have also reached the over-30 plateau. So how do you dress a B-boy now that he’s a father and husband? Russell Simmons Argyle Culture is answering that question. “We did Phat Farm for 15 years, and we realize as a brand, you can’t design [the same] clothing for a guy that might be 30 and a kid that’s 16,” explains Myorr Janha, VP of marketing and public relations. “We had to come up with something for the person that’s been with us for 15 years, and that’s how we came up with this concept.” 

Named for founder Simmons’ fondness for argyle vests, Argyle Culture is for the older hip-hop head who has reached a certain plateau in his life and is looking for a more chic, sophisticated brand. “When you get to a certain age – after 25 – you graduate,” Janha says. “It’s been great. We launched in the fall and we’re on our second collection for spring. In Macy’s we’re in about 60 stores. They’ve been a great supporter, [and] for them to say, ‘this is great and we’re going to give you the chance’ is a good thing.”

Older hip-hop icons from Jay-Z, to rapper-turned-Oscar nominee Will Smith, have long evolved into Armani suits and linen slacks, so this line couldn’t be more timely. And Janha can relate to what Argyle Culture represents. “It’s been fun for me because I’m that urban graduate,” he reveals. “I’m at the age where I don’t want to wear a hoodie and baggy jeans every day – I don’t want to wear what that 12-year- old is wearing. It’s the natural growth of a young man.” – todd williams 

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