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Life has always proven to be challenging within our communities, and many of those challenges have become larger and more complex. Faced with economic uncertainty, fewer chances to get ahead in life, and decreasing support from friends and family, it is little wonder that some people are left feeling alone, afraid, and unprepared for what tomorrow may bring. While it has always been our custom to strive against all odds and struggle through adversity, we haven’t always done this in the wisest way. Many of those struggles take a toll on our state of mind and limit our ability to succeed. Many of us fail to take advantage of the tools that otherwise would help us win.
Almost everyone knows what it is like to experience a sleepless night. We know what it is like to experience fear, to be irritable, or to lose our appetite for periods of time. What we do not always recognize is how these conditions rob us of our strength and abilities when they last a long time. Prolonged periods of sadness become the doorway through which our own inner discomfort adds to the negativity experienced by those around us. Imagine what it is like to be the child who comes home to a parent that is always angry. What happens to our lives and to our families as compassion and rational thought are replaced by anxiety, hostility and the desperate attempts to get our needs met? Sadly, many people attempt to mask their discomfort and pretend that others are unable to see it. Those with the strength and courage to seek additional help will find themselves positioned to live longer and healthier lives.
Adversity is a natural part of the human experience, and we are all certain to face our share of it during this lifetime. Taking care of our minds and spirits strengthens our ability to get through the twists and turns life throws our way. Excessive anxiety that is present over many months and difficult to control may be a warning to seek additional help. Depression can be recognized by the way it drags on our mood, decreases our energy, disturbs our sleep and impairs our concentration. Both depression and anxiety – when left untreated – increase the risk of substance abuse. Deciding to treat any health condition often reduces the burden faced by that person and the burden on their families. Keeping our minds and bodies in peak condition remains important in helping us confront the daily challenges we face. Encouraging our families and friends to get the help they deserve will assist them in obtaining and preserving the skills needed to succeed on this journey called life. –derek richardson, m.d.