Tracy Morgan headlines Laffaplooza at the 2008 TBS Comedy Festival
Tracy Morgan served as the official host for Laffapalooza, which was held at this year’s Comedy Festival sponsored by TBS. The show, which featured an impressive lineup including Mark Curry, Earthquake, Corey Holcomb, Sheryl Underwood, and Lavell Crawford, sent seismic jolts of hilarity throughout the halls of Caesar’s Palace. Below are rolling out’s top 3 performers of the night. –dewayne rogers
Mark Curry-When you check out the TBS telecast, there will be one guarantee. Mark Curry will go down as the funniest comic of the night. Period. His timing, command of the crowd, and innovative material was second to none. Who knew that a show like “Hanging With Mr. Cooper” could mask such comedic genius?Grade: A +
Earthquake-Always a solid performer, Earthquake had the crowd eating out of his hand from his grand entrance with two Las Vegas Showgirls. While clearly within his element, his only hiccups occurred when he fumbled over two of his bigger punchlines. The crowd may not have noticed, but we still had to penalize him a bit.Grade: A-
Corey Holcomb:Corey has built an impressive body of work over the years by portraying himself as a comedic asshole who enjoys pushing the envelope through his commentary. This night was no different. Some women may not appreciate Corey’s world view as it pertains to relationships, but in the end, you can’t be mad at the messager. It’s just too damn funny.Grade: B+
The Bottomline: Tune into TBS on Sunday at 10/9c to experience Laffapalooza for yourself.