5 Ways to Stay Positive and Change Your Mood

5 Ways to Stay Positive and Change Your Mood

face it; ups and downs are a normal part of everyday life. Whether
it’s the death of a loved one, financial downturn or employment
struggles, we all experience the blues from time to time. There is no
way to totally prevent sad moods, according to Dr. Patrice Harris,
medical director for the Fulton County Department of Mental Health.

going to be sad when we’re confronted with negative things in our
life,” she says. “But if you want to try to prevent how
long you stay sad, it depends on how well you cope.”

illnesses are different from normal depression. In fact, not everyone
who experiences a sad or depressed mood is depressed.

depression lasts one or two days and eventually [it goes] away. That is
to be differentiated from the illness, which is a major depressive
disorder,” says Dr. Harris. “[People who have depressive
disorder] may have problems sleeping, problems with their appetite,
trouble concentrating. These symptoms last for two weeks or more. If a
person is not functioning, that’s a major depression

There are certain steps that can be taken, however, to reduce the probability of depression.

Minimize the negativity in your life.
When the pessimism is too much to bear, it’s best to just
discontinue the person, place or thing that causes strife. While it may
be difficult at first, your mental health is worth far more than
bruised feelings.

Take your mind away from your current situation. Whether banging
through the Alps atop a majestic pachyderm alongside Hannibal or
sailing the seven seas with the infamous Black Beard, a good book or
magazine can take your mind away from your worries.

Exercise. Working up a good sweat can increase both physical and mental strength.

Find a confidant. Sometimes, all a person needs is a shoulder on which to lean and someone to listen to their problems.

Seek professional help. While we are all strong in our own ways, we all need a little added boost at times.

the road gets too tough to travel, there is nothing wrong with taking a
slight detour in order to avoid an impending accident. The same is true
with reducing and preventing the stresses that come with the joy of

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