Eric Higgs Offers Secrets on Branding a Billion-Dollar Product

Eric Higgs Offers Secrets on Branding a Billion-Dollar Product

Eric Higgs Offers Secrets on Branding a Billion-Dollar Product

Eric Higgs knows that mistakes are an inevitable part of life. As the brand manager of Bounty Paper Towels, Higgs aims to convince consumers to keep his product on hand for the inevitable spills that occur in the home. However, he also understands that it is important to minimize mistakes when it comes to business. Higgs recently offered strategies to branding and discussed how obtaining an MBA changed his life.
–amir shaw

What do young professionals need to know about branding successfully?

You have to know who you are serving. You must know their likes, dislikes and their needs. You have to have a mind[-set] that you are serving your customer. There is a difference between selling and serving. You also have to offer a great product that meets their needs. 

What should recent graduates look for in a company?

You have top get into a place that allows you to be who you are. When I was looking for a job, I found companies that treated their workers well and allowed them to grow. The first thing you want to do is join a company that will allow you to grow. You have to find out what drives you. After 10 years of production, I switched over to marketing.

How do you continue with your journey in business?

The continuum of the journey is that there are 100 levers to run a business. You have to build skills and be exposed to things that will allow you to pull all levers. Find the product, figure how to make it better, find where to position it and how to sell it.

How have you benefited from obtaining an MBA?

I have a passion for learning. The MBA experience was very fulfilling. It taught me how to think critically and it exposed me to things that will be necessary in business.



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