Under the Knife: The Psychosis Behind Michael Jackson’s Fascination With Plastic Surgery

Under the Knife: The Psychosis Behind Michael Jackson’s Fascination With Plastic Surgery

In recent years, there has been a surge in cosmetic procedures throughout the United States. Technological advancements have made the surgery more affordable, safer, and more accessible than ever before. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) reports that nearly 11.5 million cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures were performed in the U.S. last year. The Society’s research shows that there has been an approximately 444 percent increase in the number of cosmetic procedures since 1997. But more and more, individuals and professionals are starting to question the psychological ramifications of plastic surgery — and taking a long hard look at the obsessive behavior that can sometimes come along with it. Research has shown that patients who aren’t satisfied with their surgery results will usually request repeat procedures — and may even experience depression and adjustment problems. Some patients experience social isolation and self-destructive behavior. In the African American community, plastic surgery is more prevalent than ever; with many high-profile black stars having surgeries to change their appearance.

But no one’s plastic surgery was more scrutinized — or obsessive — than the late, great King of Pop. While Michael Jackson only admitted to having two rhinoplasty procedures, it was obvious to fans, media, and medical professionals that Jackson had had several, rather extensive surgeries. His changing appearance became the subject of much media scrutiny and because the changes were so drastic, it appeared that there was some deep, psychological motivation for the changes. Some alleged that Jackson was trying to somehow “erase” his “blackness,” though the singer often disputed this notion. As reported by The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), the leading cosmetic procedures for male patients are typically liposuction, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, male breast reduction and facelifts. But surgery experts contend that Jackson had multiple nose jobs (leading to tissue deterioration), facial reshaping, brow-lifts and possibly more.

For many, the legendary Jackson epitomized plastic surgery obsession. But he’s not the only black star to fall in love with the knife. Rapper Lil Kim, singer Kelly Rowland and others have had “work done.” Even Oscar-winning actors Denzel Washington and Halle Berry have had cosmetic procedures. While plastic surgery is fairly common these days, some psychologists are concerned about the psychological impact on those who undergo drastic cosmetic surgery — and also on those who don’t and may feel inadequate as a result. Radical transformations are relatively rare, but onen should tread lightly and determine if they are emotionally equipped to physically alter themselves. If you’re doing it because you haven’t learned how to love yourself, there could be dire psychological consequences.
todd williams

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