The new, improved you is waiting to be born. You can read dozens of self-help books that offer advice on creating your best self. Authors of every ilk have found a different way to tell you how to best yourself. You can read their books until you are blue in the face, but the only person you’ll improve is the author, by putting money in his or her pocket. Are you stifling your own progress?
There’s nothing wrong with reading self-help books. But all the workshops, books and seminars in the world will not help you move one step forward. The desire to improve one’s lot in life is instinctual; making the fundamental behavioral changes that lead to that lofty goal is not. Reaching the pinnacle of any field takes dedication, motivation, and more than a little elbow grease. Sure, having a natural propensity for something helps, but even innate talent can be improved upon.
If you change your mind-set, your behavior will follow suit. And that’s just the start of building a new model of your best self. You also have to study the actions of the people who have accomplished what you aspire to do. I’ll venture a wild guess that those at the top of their game are not goofballs, unless comedy is their vocation.
What does it take to be your best self? Only you can answer that question. But if you need a role model, you have only to look at the people around you. Who would have thought that in 2007, an African American man would set his sights on attaining the Oval Office? I, for one, wasn’t surprised in the least. I have been surrounded by outstanding, upstanding, incredibly brilliant and creative people of color my entire life. I have been mentored and inspired by the best in our community. I know a thousand Barack Obamas and I hope you do, too.
Munson Steed
[email protected]