Personal Trainer Ty Freeney Offers 5 Tips on How to Achieve the Perfect Body for Summer

Personal Trainer Ty Freeney Offers 5 Tips on How to Achieve the Perfect Body for Summer


With summer just around the corner, many of use are sweating over how to become more physically fit. Rolling Out
sports recently caught up with personal trainer and CEO of D.R.E.A.M
1122, Ty Freeney. Freeney provided 5 tips on how to achieve your
desired physique in time for the summer. –amir shaw

Maintain a Healthy Diet
– “Diet is the key. The majority of people don’t eat enough or they eat
the wrong things. If the goal is to lose 50 pounds, we suggest you eat
strawberries or bananas before a workout and cut sugar and fat out of
your diet. If you are looking to gain mass, you may want to eat chicken
breast, mash potatoes and carrots after a workout.”

Discipline –“You
have to dedicate yourself to maintaining a strict workout schedule.
Physical fitness plays a major role. We want people to get their minds
fit first. If you maintain discipline, you will eventually get the
results that you are looking for.”

Association –“You
have to pay attention to the people who are around you. It’s important
to hang around people who have a healthy lifestyle and are serious
about maintaining a healthy diet.”

Be True to Your Goal
–“We [D.R.E.A.M 1122] concentrate on motivation. Working out should not
be a chore, it should be something that you want to do. We keep people
focused on the big picture. The most challenging thing is to get people
to focus on their goals.”

Remain Stress Free
– “Working out helps to release endorphins. It helps you to feel
better. We train corporate people who have deadlines to meet and are
stressed out. They’ll come in and have a great work out and feel
better. Working out gives you balance, it relieves a lot of stress and
it helps you to work towards having a prefect body.”

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