Bill Bellamy and TV One Continue A Strong Comedy Partnership

Bill BellamyAs the fourth season of TV One’s comedy competition “Bill Bellamy’s Who’s Got Jokes” officially kicks into high gear, it’s refreshing to see Bill Bellamy thrive in his role as show host and executive producer. Once left for dead by Hollywood higher-ups, Bellamy persevered through the inevitable valleys that most entertainers endure to make his way back to the top. As we take a closer look at Bellamy and the show, we’ve discovered three compelling reasons for you to watch.

Reason #1: Bill Bellamy’s Success Is Inspirational

Rags-to-riches stories will always have a special place in our hearts, but Bellamy’s story is even more compelling. To rise up the ranks of talented entertainers and achieve paramount success only to experience a veritable drought, it would seem like his story would end right there. But Bellamy never thought his career was over, and he tirelessly worked his way back to a place of prominence. Now that’s inspiring. 

Reason #2: The Show Is Actually Funny

Unlike other comedy contests, the comedians on this show are really funny — actually, they’re absurdly funny. Even Bellamy had to weigh in on the contestants’ talent. “I have to tell you that this is probably the funniest group of people that I have ever seen compete on the same show,” he shared. “The viewing audience is in for something special.”

Reason #3: It’s Important To Support Our Own

As the economy continues to flounder, Hollywood execs have tightened their collective belts, taking less chances on “black entertainment.” Their reasoning is simple: why shell out money to finance a show cast with predominately black actors when no one is watching it?”

The only way to counteract that type of thinking is to let the ratings do the talking for us. With shows like Bellamy’s leading the way, we can effectively dictate the number of black shows currently on the air.

The Bottom Line: Check out Bellamy and his “Who’s Got Jokes” comedy show every Saturday at 10 p.m. on TV One. –dewayne rogers

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