Michael Jackson’s ‘This Is It’ Well Worth the Price of Admission

altI had the pleasure of seeing Michael Jackson’s This Is It on opening night. Skeptics may dismiss This Is It as a documentary — but, make no mistakeit’s a concert and more. The two-hour behind-the-scene account depicts mesmerizing rehearsals and allows us to see a more personal side of the entertainer. 

Despite a 10 year hiatus, Jackson proved that he still had the voice and the moves to perform at an unparalleled level for what would have been his final tour. The footage captures major stage theatrics, including firework explosions and acrobatic-like dance scenes. 

Along with director Kenny Ortega, Jackson was involved in every aspect of the production from the live band to the lighting. He even recreated dance sequences from his iconic videos, including ‘Billie Jean’ and ‘Thriller.’

The excitement and energy in the theater was so over the top that audience members found it difficult to stay seated and there were bursts of applause and cheering throughout the show. 

Even if you’re not a huge MJ fan, This Is It is still a must see. You’re guaranteed to dance a little in your chair while the Moonwalker does his thing. This Is It is only in theatres for two weeks and when you purchase a ticket, you’ll get a souvenir lanyard that looks like a backstage pass to Michael’s last show.  –iesha daniels

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