If the sluggish economy is putting the brakes on spending and you’re holding onto your fashionista dollars and cents, you’re not alone. Most consumers are holding out for the deals. Instead of hitting the malls, many people are opting to buy from online retailers and sites offering as much as 90 percent off original prices.
Here are some online sites offering designer goods and luxury items for less:
Gomatta is Italian slang for the mobster’s girlfriend or mistress. This site offers amazing deals on clothes and accessories for 70–90 percent off. But you have to hurry each brand is on sale for only 24 hours! To get the goods you must become a member of the hit list. When new members refer a friend and they make a first purchase, that member will receive $10 off their next purchase.
Known as the ultimate holiday hookup for the fashion obsessed, Bluefly offers members designer goods, fashion trends and great value for the entire family. The company offers in-season merchandise sold in luxury department stores buying directly from designers and third party resources. You’ll find Gucci, Prada and Ed Hardy among 350 brands for deals, steals and blow out sales. Last year, Bluefly offered over 50,000 different styles in clothing and accessories.
It’s the site that everybody is talking about … People selected it as “one of the top 15 ways to save money.” Designed to bring the thrill back to shopping through exclusive, limited-time, online sales events, HauteLook, a virtual department store offers premium and lifestyle brands for up to 75 percent off retail prices. The online retailer has partnered with more than 500 brands to host over 1,000 private sales events for its members.
This invite-only site pronounced “ideally” hosts high-speed sales of fine goods from 50 to 90 percent off retail. You must become a member to receive e-mail and mobile alerts when a rapid-fire sale is in progress. Sales are limited and can sell out within minutes. But you can buy “first row” membership for $7.99 a month allowing you to get sales alerts one hour before they hit the site.
Shopping online can save time and money, but it can also make you an easy target for identity theft, so use one credit card with a low limit or a prepaid card that’s not linked to your bank account. Here are four things that you can do to make your online shopping experience less costly:
– Shop online with some of your favorite department stores interest-free by using their gift card.
– Go online to find coupons or discount codes.
– Look for sites offering free gift wrapping and free shipping directly to gift recipients.
– Check for discount codes before purchasing.
–marian anderson
Marian Anderson is a travel and lifestyle writer and creator of Haute Travels Blog https://hautetravels.blogspot.com/