Reports are emerging that say Elin Nordegren plans to reconcile with her philandering husband, Tiger Woods. Many people, especially women, are probably letting out a collective gasp over the news. If true, the question becomes how much cheating is too much cheating before you throw the concept of “through thick and thin” overboard? When do women say “when!”?
Many women have stood by their cheating husbands, embarrassed but resolved to weather the storm that threatened the sanctity of their union. From Hillary Clinton to Camille Cosby — and heck, allegedly even Coretta King, they have all managed to turn a blind eye to offenses that both legally and biblically give them license to head for the hills. However, they all chose to stay. We don’t know what hell-eclipsing fury was unleashed behind closed doors, but in the end, those relationships remained intact. So, why did they stay?
Was it due to status and saving face, despite the eggs that were already plastered on them, or was it simply love and allegiance to family? Whatever their reasons, many would say the magnitude of Elin’s case has put her in a different category from those scorned, yet overcoming women.
With news of the possible reunion, it’s interesting to explore what would move Elin to ignore her husbands catastrophic choices. How could she consider for even one moment reuniting with a man who made her play eighth, ninth, or even 10th fiddle to a string of “jump offs?”
“Screw the kids, screw you, Elin, and, the good part, screw multiple women, one in my own marriage bed,” were in essence his sentiments. What are the depths of her love if she found a way to overcome all of that? Or is she just plain stupid? She is married to one of the highest profile — and highest paid — athletes ever, but is that reason enough to get dragged through the mud of wanton infidelity? Sure, he’s still receiving awards and notoriety for his dominance in the world of sports, despite his epic personal crash and burn, but should she be swayed by his stature?
It could be that she has two children with the “sociopath”lete, whom I’m sure love their daddy very much and would hate for mommy to move somewhere across the pond separating them. It could have to do with his rehabilitation efforts and willingness to choose her (sure, Tiger …) even over what he’s famous for, golf. From that perspective, she could have a compelling case for giving it another go. Maybe her committment to love and family, as spelled out in her vows, is just that strong.
On the flip side, it could be sheer stupidity. Maybe Tiger felt the only way to restore his image was to save his marriage and convince her to stick around, feeding her a pack of lies about rehab progress and “the other 10 or more meant nothing” mumbo jumbo. I believe in occasionally taking one for the team, but 10 or more, amid pubic humiliation … nah. Maybe she doesn’t feel she can ever get another man, with two kids and the mighty Tiger being her ex, perhaps she decided to ill-advisedly opt for a struggle she already knows.
Without knowing why she connected with the embattled golfer in the first place (money, sports groupie, dwindling egg count or organic love alike), we can’t really know why she’d choose to stay, if true. Whatever the case, she may as well sew a scarlet “s” on all her garments, because “stupid” will be her new name as far as the court of public opinion is concerned. –gerald radford