International Travel: How to Avoid Breaking Rules and Customs in Foreign Cities

International Travel: How to Avoid Breaking Rules and Customs in Foreign Cities

As the travel season approaches, millions of Americans are planning family vacations and business trips overseas. Before shipping off, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the laws and customs of your international destination. Notable individuals such as Snoop Dogg and Dallas Austin have found out that minor offenses in America can be viewed as major crimes in certain countries. Below are four ways to avoid breaking rules and regulations abroad and remaining safe. –a.r.

1) Know the Law Before Boarding the Plane

Take time to research both the cultural and legal orders of the country you’re visiting by reading journals, newspapers and law handbooks that are geared towards tourists. You can also visit, for more information.

2) Know the High Crime Areas:

Every city in the world has a crime infested area that can be extremely dangerous for both natives and visitors. Compile a list of those locations and stay away. It’s also important to decrease your chances of becoming a target by not wearing gaudy jewelry or showing large amounts of cash in public.3) Notify Family and Friends

Create a detailed itinerary and leave the information with a close family member or friend, who will know how to contact you at all times.4) Contact the State Department

By registering your travel plans with the State Department, you will be notified if the area you’re traveling to is unsafe and you’ll be able to stay in contact with family members. Visit
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