From ‘Baby’s Daddy’ to Father: 5 Ways for Men to Step-Up Their Game With Their Children

alt src=// man and baby.jpgA father is a provider, a banker, a spiritual adviser, a confident, and a leader of the family. If you’re a man with children and you’re not doing or being those things, you are simply a baby’s daddy. Not a good look — be a real father.

Children are born into the world out of relations between two adults, they have no say in it. That being the case, once they are born, there is no excuse for those adults, namely men, to slack on their responsibilites or to turn their back on their children due to baby mama drama. Suck it up and realize that children have to be raised … period.

Here are five steps to take to avoid angry baby’s mommas and depriving your children: 

1. Consider your decisions up front: Know that when you’re lying down with a woman, you could be setting yourself of for the responsibility of taking care of a child with her. If that prospect bothers you, don’t do it.

2. Don’t lead a woman on: If there was consensual sex between you and your baby’s mother, and you want nothing more, be honest and upfront with her. Never make her think you’ll be with her or plan to marry her if your intentions are otherwise. Fight the urge to merge and never dip the stick out of convenience. It’s the leading on for the sake of ego that leads to much of the drama that exists between parents.

3. Follow proper legal steps for custodial rights and financial support: Involve the legal system in setting up visitation rights and paying child support. Don’t rely on trust on the honor system where these matters are concerned because they can often break down and create nasty situations. Get it in writing!

4. Recognize the child’s need for your presence: Children have no say about coming into the world. If it takes two make them, it takes two to raise them. Set aside the drama and be there for your child. And if the drama is unavoidable — still be there for your child; there is never a good excuse not to.

5. Show real concern for the custodial parent: If you don’t have custody of your child, realize that you are getting off 24-7 has to deal with the nuances of parenting — and that can be quite difficult. Show real support and lighten the load whenever possible. That way, everybody wins.

ryan cameron and gerald radford

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