Rihanna Did It, So Can Christina Milian; 7 Ways to Survive a Breakup Like a Champ

altWe’ve all been dumped at some point in our lives. The-Dream-Christina Milian breakup has Twitter and the blogs going crazy. Here are seven tips to help you recover from a public breakup.

1. Don’t sweat it. Don’t call him or her for a few days. You don’t want appear desperate, it is not sexy.

  1. 2. Never blame the other woman or man. If you and your mate break up because he or she is cheating, it is not the other man’s or woman’s fault.

  2. 3. Be open to communication. Don’t cut yourself off from your ex. If he or she is ready to talk before you feel that you are, listen and hear him or her out. Express your feelings to him or her only when you contain your emotions. The goal is to be friends or at least amicable.

  3. 4. Focus on the positive. Work hard to avoid being bitter or depressed. Find an activity to do with your girlfriends or homeboys, like clubbin’ or going to the movies or a sporting event.

5. Keep things private. If you feel you need to discuss or get it off your chest, only discuss what you believe was the final episode that caused the breakup. Don’t dwell on the past or speculate. The only person who needs to hear your true feelings is your ex. It’s too hard to clean up, retract or take back the things you’ve shared with your girlfriends or homeboys if you and your ex decide to rekindle the romance.

6. Keep a journal. Find a quiet place and write down your feelings. Tally the pros and cons of the distressed relationship. If the cons outweigh the pros, move on. If the results are vice versa, reflect on the things that you could have done differently and arrange to meet with your ex to discuss and apologize if you are at fault.

7. Pray. Prayer changes things. If this relationship is a part of the Creator’s plan for your life, things will work out. Be willing to forgive. “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16)

Ultimately, your goal is to come out on top. Keep your sexy and mental health because Mr. or Miss Right is waiting around the corner. Revenge by billboard is totally out of the question. –yvette caslin

Click here to see a photo gallery featuring the biggest celebrity breakups of the decade.

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