Blacks and HIV: World AIDS Day Statement From the Black AIDS Institute


Today is World AIDS Day. And while we appreciate that the world stops to reflect and recommit itself to the fight against HIV every Dec. 1, every day is World AIDS Day at the Black AIDS Institute because ending AIDS requires work each and every day.

Next June will mark 30 years since the first AIDS cases were diagnosed in this country. The moment brings not only an opportunity for reflection, but also for a renewed commitment from each of us to do our part to finally end the spread of this disease.

No matter how you look at it, through the lens of gender, sexual orientation, age, class, level of education or region of the country, Black people bear the brunt of the AIDS epidemic in America today. Those are the facts

Thankfully, a growing number of organizations that recognize that ending AIDS is a year-long effort are slowly joining the effort. Today in America, there’s a beginning of a new era of engagement on HIV/AIDS. Now, 30 years later, the country is engaged again with a national HIV/AIDS strategy, new scientific breakthroughs, and possibly a renewed sense of hope that, someday, we will be Greater Than AIDS.

I believe we as individuals, as a community, as a nation, as a family can be GREATER than AIDS. Last year, the Black AIDS Institute, together with our partners at the Kaiser Family Foundation, launched a national effort to mobilize Americans in response to HIV. Greater Than AIDS is about the role that each of us can play, including getting informed, getting tested, getting treated, and getting involved. By acting together, we can be Greater than AIDS. ·

  • Thanks to a new partnership with Walgreens, today in America, 1.6 million people walking past the country’s largest digital billboard at One Times Square in New York City will see HIV prevention messages from Greater Than AIDS, Walgreens, the country’s largest drug store chain is teaming up with us to distribute HIV/AIDS informational resources and specialized HIV-related services at selected Walgreens pharmacies. And, next June, we will be implementing a special “HIV Take Action Month” to mobilize customers in the lead up to National HIV Testing Day.
  • Today in America, five of the most important magazines that reach Black communities are working together to distribute HIV-related information to readers. The December issues of ESSENCEEBONY, VIBE, UPTOWN, and HIV PLUS Magazines all feature full-page ads from our Deciding Moments series and most of these publications include extended coverage on HIV/AIDS.
  • Today in America, more than 5,500 outdoor and transit advertisements in 30 markets carry the Greater Than AIDS message, more than 100 urban and gospel radio stations are airing Greater Than AIDS PSAs and engaging audiences in extended programming and promotions on HIV/AIDS and related issues. Three major television networks FOX, NBC, and CBS have begun airing Greater Than AIDS television PSAs to inform audiences and break the silence of this disease.
  • And. . . ·

  • Today in America, 152 people will become infected with HIV. Half of them will be Black.
  • Today in America, 2/3 of the new HIV cases among women will be black.
  • Today in America, 70 percent of the new HIV cases among youth will be black.
  • That’s why our resolve to end AIDS must not end today. Every day, in both large and small ways, whether we realize it or not, we experience deciding moments that maintain the status quo, move us backwards or propel us forward toward our goal of ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic in our communities. Far too many of us continue to turn a blind eye or wait for someone else to solve this problem.

    Action is greater than apathy.

    There are some incredible individuals and institutions who demonstrate what it means to be Greater Than AIDS. Their stories indeed, their Deciding Moments challenge us to take action. There are no innocent bystanders in the fight against AIDS. What you decide to do or not to do makes a difference. Every deciding moment matters.

    I have been living with HIV for 30-plus years. Every moment of my life is a deciding moment. I decide to care in the face of HIV/AIDS. I decide to fight apathy and complacency because of it. I decide to love in spite of it. Because I know it is in the caring, fighting and loving that I am greater than AIDS. And let me tell you something. Every moment of your life is a deciding moment as well. I know that you are greater than AIDS. The question is, are you willing to take action and prove it? –phill wilson, president and CEO of the Black AIDS Institute 

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