Flawless and healthy skin is something most women covet. When we were teenagers, we envied our classmates who escaped “zits,” or acne. Leading Beverly Hills cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Susan Evans has a remedy to help you achieve youthful skin. The method is surprisingly organic and natural.
“Papaya helps your skin look younger and that’s the basis of the line,” shares Evans, who’s known in Hollywood circles for her excellent results, pain-free techniques and great bedside manner. The skin care line that she’s referring to is Papaya Renewal Collection, which is Evan’s premier product line available exclusively on Home Shopping Network (HSN).
“Exfoliation should be a part of everyone’s skin care regimen. This papaya extract is great and it works really well. It is an old secret and it is what I use in my Beverly Hills practice for the celebrities who want that extra glow when they are on the red carpet. It is also used for face masks and as a cleanser. More people are having adult acne than you realize, and the worse thing about it is that you scar. This line is good for adult acne as well.”
Evans’ practice specializes in treating various skin types and she’s also widely known for correcting pigment problems, non-surgical face-lifts, skin resurfacing, facial rejuvenation and laser hair removal. According to Evans, go-to techniques like “microdermabrasion, alpha hydroxy acid and beta hydroxy acid can cause a lot of peeling, going deeper than you want, and cause scarring, or hyperpigmentation.” The papaya extract is gentler.
Evans finds that the papaya extract is great for burn victims she treats via foundation work that she does. The noted physician is married to the equally notable plastic surgeon Dr. Brian Evans and has four children which is why friends and associates jokingly refer to them as ‘the Cosbys.’
Evans is also the creator of Refresh Skin Care, a natural, affordable and effective skin care line to treat acne and the effects of aging. Her academic training includes Harvard Medical School, Spelman College and NYU Medical Center. –yvette caslin