Rush Limbaugh Labels First Lady Michelle Obama a Hypocrite

altIn typical Rush Limbaugh fashion, the talk-radio-show host went on a judgmental rant Monday, chastising First Lady Michelle Obama by calling her a hypocrite after she reportedly ate ribs while on vacation with her daughters, Malia and Sasha, in Vail, Colo., last weekend.

As reported by, she dined on “a pickled pumpkin salad with arugula and a braised ancho-chile short rib with hominy wild mushrooms and sauteed kale.”

According to, Limbaugh is now claiming that the First Lady, whose mission is to improve America’s diet and overall health, is misleading people by failing to apply the health principles she teaches to others to her own diet.

“She is a hypocrite. Leaders are supposed to be leaders,” said Limbaugh. “If we’re supposed to go out and eat nothing — if we’re supposed to eat roots and berries and tree bark, show us how. And if it’s supposed to make us fit, if it’s supposed to make us healthier, show us how.”

Taking the rant to a low point, Limbaugh took a heavier blow at Mrs. Obama, attacking her for not being model-slim.

“Our First Lady does not project the image of women that you might see on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue or of a woman Alex Rodriguez might date every six months or what have you.”

Limbaugh continued his rhetoric, claiming that Mrs. Obama’s dinner was an affront to the starving poor.

“Poor kids are living in food deserts, parents are unemployed, kids got no place to go other than the mall, hang around for scraps at the Orange Julius place, maybe get some papaya juice out there, and then they hear about Michelle My Belle and the kids’ 1,500 calories per rib serving — 141 grams of fat, I’m just saying,” said Limbaugh.


Many expert nutritionists and dietitians as well as mentally competent individuals would probably dispute Limbaugh’s clearly biased attacks, and we think they would share our sentiment that he should just be quiet, for once.

What do you think of Limbaugh’s attack? –nicholas robinson

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