Show me a man who has been in love, and I’ll show you a man who’s made countless relationship mistakes. Sometimes men mess up … it’s as simple as that.
So in an effort to help the brotherhood get its collective act together, this column will highlight Five Common Relationship Mistakes Made by Men. (Don’t worry women; your day in the hot seat is coming soon.)
1. Once you get her, you begin to slack off.
In the beginning, you were a model citizen. You were caring, attentive, and even performed the unthinkable … as in; you snuggled up and watched a “Basketball Wives” marathon. (Oh, the horror.)
The only problem is you haven’t kept it up. Now, the only time that you resemble a gentleman is when you remember to put the toilet seat down … and that only happens sometimes.
2. You get too serious, too fast.
You’re the guy who wants to immediately commit … after the second date. Here’s a suggestion: Before you start discussing marriage and kids, you may want to learn her last name. It’s time to slow down, playboy.
3. You’re not attentive enough.
A wise man once said that there are three certainties in life: death, taxes, and your woman needing attention. Today, our focus is squarely on the latter.
A man shouldn’t immediately drop all of his life goals to attend to his woman’s every whim, just step up and find the necessary balance … if you don’t, someone else will.
4. She runs the relationship.
I have yet to meet a woman who desires a man with no backbone. My grandmother always told me that a woman wants a man, not a puppy. Yet sadly, some men believe that the only way they can keep a woman around is by doubling as her pet, and agreeing with everything that she says. Big mistake, buddy — big mistake.
5. The relationship is going nowhere.
Perhaps the greatest mistake that a man can make is thinking that his woman is interested in being a career girlfriend. If a year passes, and no forward progress is made, you will certainly hear about it. In her eyes, your desire to keep the relationship in neutral is an even bigger mistake than Lamar Odom posing shirtless for a unisex perfume commercial.
The Fly Conclusion: Will you continue to be snared by these common relational pitfalls? Or will you learn from the mistakes of others, and get your act together? For your sake, and for the sake of your relationship, I pray you choose the latter.
Next week, we’ll discuss common relationship mistakes made by women … all 27 of them. (Just kidding … or am I?)
**DeWayne Rogers is the author of “The Fly Guy Chronicles” … love advice may never be the same.