Home Training and Life Lessons for Your Today’s Black Youth

Tuskegee University professor and Dean Dr. Legand “Lee” Burge shares life lessons taught to him by his mom, Bobbie BurgeHome Training and Life Lessons for Your Today's Black Youth

The lady, Bobbie Jean Burge, was born to Clell and Lena Bates on January 24, 1928, and lived the joy of life until October 27, 2005. Born in Oklahoma City, she chose never to move away, but remained there at the address 1828 NE 11th.  From her, four children were born: Legand Jr, Kim LeMarr, Elleda Jewell, and June Evelyn.  They had the following children. LeAnn Lalecia, Legand III, Lamuelle Laura, and Louis Lee (Legand Jr.); Chris (Kim LeMarr); Kameron, Leah, and Ian (Elleda Jewell); and June doesn’t have children.

I share the following list as a result of a conversation recently held at my school. –dr. lee burge


1.     Get up early; do not waste away time sleeping.

2.     Do your chores.

3.     Clean your house before going to bed: particularly the kitchen.

a.     Corollary 1 – never leave your house untidy before departure; one does not know who may visit upon arrival.

4.     Read books: learn to spell, and use good grammar.

5.     Pay attention to current events.

6.     Follow procedures: memorize the multiplication table from 1 to 12.

7.     Keep your clothes clean; hang them up after wearing; and, polish shoes.

8.     Avoid much television; do not waste a way the time on a distraction.

9.     Go to your church: recognize the blessings of the Creator.

10.  Say a Bible verse before each meal: you must memorize scripture, and you cannot say the same verse every time.

11.  Expect each to be a great day: have a positive outlook on all you do.

12.  Greet everyone you meet with a smile, and be cordial.

13.  Be proud of who you are.

14.  Be proud of your body and respect it.

15.  Have fun in all you do; play some time.

16.  Have a great birthday; invite other and provide the refreshments.

17.  Exercise daily: take a brisk walk.

18.  Avoid vulgar language.

19.  Avoid arguments and fighting: discuss disagreements

20.  Compromise.

21.  Limit the individuals in your life who are not supportive of your objectives, or who do not have wholesome attitudes.

22.  Avoid wearing religion on your sleeve; enjoy the blessings of God.

23.  Enjoy nature: understand your surroundings.

24.  Prepare for the seasons of the year.

25.  Hard work is good for you: struggle makes you a better person.

26.  Follow instructions: read material entirely.

27.  Pay attention; understand and learn.

28.  Listen: hold your tongue; you may save your life.

29.  Take a dose of cod liver oil; eat an onion; take a swallow of vinegar.

30.  Be thankful for food and enjoy what you have.

31.  Daily personal hygiene is paramount.

32.  Be honest.

33.  Tell others they are loved.

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