Before you buy
Before you buy anything online, make a note of the address of the company from which you are buying. This should include details of the telephone and fax numbers. Never rely on just an email address.
Always use secure sites
These sites have ‘https’ in front of the web address, which indicates that the company has been independently checked to make sure they are who they say they are. A yellow padlock symbol will appear in the browser window to show the payment process is secure.
When buying online
-Never transfer or receive money for someone else.
-Check the site’s privacy and returns policy.
-Print out a copy of your order and any acknowledgment you receive.
-Check your bank statement carefully against anything you buy online.
-Keep your passwords secure.
Watch out for schemes
-Remember: If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.
-Bigger names equal better protection. Go with reputable companies you’ve heard of.
-The website’s address is different from what it once was. Perhaps, there are extra characters or words in it or it uses a completely different name or no name at all, just numbers. Ex: https://[email protected]%6AD%
-Only do business with companies that you recognize or know of by recommendation of someone you trust. Don’t judge a company on how “professional” their website looks.
-If in any doubt, you can check if a company is genuine by looking it up on Companies House or the Financial Services Authority websites. If they are legitimate, they will be registered.
But don’t fret, my dears. There are plenty of reputable sites you may empty your wallet on! Try these discount designer sites for starters:
-Gilt Groupe:
-Rue La La:
-Neiman Marcus Last Call:
-Saks Off 5th: