President Obama to Use Facebook for Town Hall Meeting

President Obama to Use Facebook for Town Hall MeetingPresident Obama to Use Facebook for Town Hall MeetingHaving proven its merit as a business tool, social media is figuring more heavily into the 2012 presidential election.

Focusing on the country’s economy and budget, President Obama will host a town hall meeting using Facebook on April 20. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO and Forbes’ youngest billionaire, will be featured during the meeting.

Obama will answer user-generated questions via livestream for a logged in Facebook user. The event will take place at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, Calif. The Facebook ad states that the White House will use the digital event to put the president in touch with Americans from every sector who want to discuss ways to “put our economy on a more responsible fiscal path.”

For anyone who has a question to ask the president, this is the opportunity to do so. Facebook will choose the questions for the meeting. Click here to submit a question, comment, or suggestion for the event.

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