Charles Gregory Salon
Address: 1874 Piedmont Rd. Suite 385 Bldg. C
(building is downstairs behind Papa John’s Pizza)
Phone: (404) 532-7400
website: www.charlesgregory.net
Owner: Charles Gregory
How long have you been a salon owner?

I have been a salon owner for over 25 years.
What attracted you to the beauty business?
The thing that attracted me to the beauty business was the fact that I grew up in a salon since my mother was a cosmetologist. I grew up doing hair at an early age prior to going to beauty school. After I graduated from high school, I attended a Pivot Point School in Atlanta.
Are you a stylist as well as an owner?
I am a stylist as well as an owner, however I don’t spend as much time in the salon for the simple fact that I work in the movie industry as a hair stylist.
Do you have plans to franchise your salon?
We are about to open a downtown location and this will be the prototype for my franchise. I also have a Buckhead salon.

What makes the atmosphere in your salon unique and inviting?
The atmosphere is unique and inviting because of the cleanliness, soft music, visual displays, free WiFi, an abundance of new magazines, and a professional staff that caters to the clients’ every need.