Mya Joins Chicago House Heads at the ‘Chosen Few’ Picnic: Photos

Mya Joins Chicago House Heads at the 'Chosen Few' Picnic: Photos
Maya jams at the Chosen Few House Picnic in Chicago.

Maya, clad in all white, added star appeal to the annual Chosen Few picnic, held on Chicago’s lakefront over the weekend.

House music goes back to the late ’70s, early ’80s, and it’s good music. Good music always transcends through different generations, so we asked some House music loyalists, aka the “House Heads,” why they felt House music is timeless. This is what a few people had to say on the subject.

Kimberly Norris
House music is timeless because this is an era that we all grew up in, when life when fun, when life was happy, and life was together. And as we listen to that music, it brings back times that we all had together. The fun and the love that we all shared. So, it is timeless, and I hope it goes on forever.

Yvonne Cooks
House music is timeless because it’s the best. I’m old school. I’ve been listening to house music since I was 23. I’m 47, and I still love it.

Throwback video: Jack Your Body (Steve “Silk” Hurley)

House music is … I can’t explain it. I can’t because you have a variety of things that’s going on within house music. House music just does something to your body, “just all your insides,” as church folk say, all in your (shawndoe) it does something to you. That’s what it does.

Because there’s no end to the house music, house music gets into your soul. It makes you dance. It makes you feel good.

Because it tells real-life stories about real people.

Maya and scores of others enjoyed the music and the memories at the Chosen Few Picnic. See you next time!

Images and story by Chanel Davis, Editorial Intern at rolling out

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