I’m sure that if you tried hard enough, you undoubtedly could write some beautiful, flowery prose potent enough to metaphorically knock her socks off … but let’s pause on that for a moment. Instead, I want you to focus on mastering the art of being direct and saying exactly what you feel.
You don’t have to wear yourself out trying to figure out exactly what her eyes remind you of, nor should you borrow music lyrics or look up famous love quotes by others. No, it’s time to step up and do the one manly thing that men don’t do quite enough…
Speak from the heart.
In an effort to assist in this newfound directness, I’ve compiled a list of phrases that I’m sure the woman in your life wouldn’t mind hearing:
I love you.
I appreciate you.
I adore you.
I’m glad to see you.
You make me happy.
You look beautiful.
I can’t want to see you again.
You look great today.
While the phrases seem simple enough, there is one small caveat … one that will either make or break this effort. In order for you to find success in these words, your behavior must totally sync with what you’re saying.
For example, if you love her, she should feel it through your actions. And if you think she’s beautiful, then the way you look at her should make her feel as if no other woman exists.
One of my favorite biblical applications is the belief that “faith without works is dead.” In the same way, using those love phrases without the actions to back them up are about as pointless as Diddy taking acting classes … or rap classes, for that matter.
Listen, I want you to win with her. And a great step in that direction begins with constant doses of directness, mixed with a side of action and sincerity. It’s a recipe that has a 99.7 percent success rate. (Don’t ask about the other 0.3 percent. Things went terribly wrong on the Bobby Brown “My Prerogative” tour.)
So, are all hearts and minds clear on this matter? Then, good luck with your new strategy.
**DeWayne Rogers is the author of The Fly Guy Chronicles … love advice will never be the same.