Keri Hilson’s Amy Winehouse Twitpic: Too Much, Too Soon?

Keri Hilson's Amy Winehouse Twitpic: Too Much, Too Soon?Keri Hilson was the target of much scorn and outrage after tweeting a photo of herself with a  Amy Winehouse look-a-like. While partying last night at the NYC nightclub Juliet, she ran into the doppelganger and couldn’t resist taking a photo. Keri received  hundreds of tweets from outraged fans of Amy Winehouse after tweeting the following:

 “Gasp* Amy Winehouse resurrected to party w/ me!!! (seriously, uncanny resemblance)


Keri later apologized, claiming she meant no harm or disrespect:

Come on, I mean no harm. All due respect. But really the resemblance freaked me out. This was simply the best tribute ever. #RIPAMYWINEHOUSE

I apologize 2 anyone who might’ve taken it the wrong way. As a fan, I thought it was cool that she dressed up to honor Amy..

I had no ill intent, but I understand how it appears insensitive…my bad twitterville. For real.

Funeral services were held in London this morning for Amy Winehouse, three days after she was found dead in her Camden apartment. No drugs were found in her home and the results of her autopsy were inconclusive.  Her toxicology test results are expected to be available in 2-4 weeks.

Surely Keri meant no ill will with her comments, but perhaps it was ill-timed.

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