Ever had that awkward moment where you are not exactly sure how to pose for a picture? You don’t know which side is your “good” side and you have no idea what to do with your hands? Here are some helpful hints to have you red carpet and paparazzi ready for your next photo op or photo shoot. Confidence is the most important thing to carry with you … so repeat after us, “watch out ‘Project Runway’ … here I come.” –mckenzie harris
1. Practice posing in front of a mirror at home.
2. When posing in swimwear, tell yourself you’re the hottest thing walking on this planet. Arch your back, pucker your lips, and don’t forget to bat those eyes.
3. Be proud of what makes you different and unique. Whether it’s big ears, freckles, a toothy smile, or that cowlick, they’re what set you apart from the rest. When you are comfortable with yourself, it will always shine through.
4. Spend time on your grooming. Your eyebrows frame your face and a bold lipstick will make your pout pop. If you want to wear false lashes, make sure to apply mascara first and again after the lashes are affixed for a seamless finish. Your look should have a focal point … too much going on means distracting photos.
5. Think about your favorite upbeat song when being photographed to put you at ease and give you a natural looking expression.
6. Putting one or two hands on your waist creates the illusion that your legs are a little bit longer and accentuates your natural shape. Don’t splay those fingers, always make sure they are relaxed and together.