The Korin Black Project Takes Girls From Low Self-Esteem to Model Behavior

The Korin Black Project Takes Girls From Low Self-Esteem to Model Behavior

The Korin Black Project is a series of workshops designed by Vera Wang Bridal model Korin Black to build self-esteem and confidence in young girls who aspire to a modeling career. The program provides intensive workshops that feature lectures from makeup artists, photographers and fashion designers.

The premier workshop, Runway and Confidence, provides girls with fashion industry knowledge, professional runway training and presentation skills.

Black visited rolling out‘s office recently to give the inside scoop about her program.

What is your process for building self-esteem?

Different interactive confidence coaching and daily affirmations; repeating over and over again, “I am positive, I’m beautiful, I’m confident.” Giving them that reassurance that, regardless if you attempt something and you don’t get to the level that you wanted, you are still a winner by virtue of having made that attempt and pushed yourself to go and reach for your dreams.

What is the origin of your self-confidence?

My self-esteem and confidence came from my grandparents and from my mom and dad. My grandparents were a huge part of my upbringing, teaching me old-fashioned values, like what to expect from a man, just by virtue of having those blessings. Also, I had a mentor.

What do you want participants to learn from this experience?

I want them to leave with a sense of self-worth, definitely a higher level of esteem and confidence. I also want them to know that anything is achievable in life. If I can instill in them that hard work definitely pays off, that will be mission accomplished!

chanel davis

To learn more about the Korin Black Project, visit them online.

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