Sports That Could Lead to Great Connections for MBA Students

Sports That Could Lead to Great Connections for MBA StudentsSports can be a great way to develop important relationships and initiate business deals. There are several sports that MBA students and entrepreneurs should learn that could lead to a potential job, contract salary increase or all of the aforemntioned. –amir shaw

Polo – The essentials for playing polo include a horse and a long-handled mallet. Players score by driving a wooden ball into the opponent’s goal. Although it takes a significant amount of money to participate in polo, the Cowtown/Work To Ride program has done an admirable job of introducing the sport to inner-city youngsters.

Crew – Popular at Ivy League schools, crew is a sport where teams race against each other on rivers, lakes, or the ocean. The sport requires top fitness, as players row by using oars. First Row is an organization that introduces the sport to females in the inner city.

Golf – Golf is scored by counting the number of strokes taken per hole. The player with the lowest score wins. The popularity of Tiger Woods during the 1990s increased the number of young minorities who chose to participate in golf.

Squash – Ranked as one of the healthiest sports by Forbes magazine, squash is a racquet sport played indoors. The object of the high-speed game is for players to gain the serve to obtain a point by hitting the ball before it bounces twice. Games are usually played to 9, 11 or 21 points.

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