Kelly Rowland Talks Plastic Surgery, Painful Childhood

Kelly Rowland Talks Plastic Surgery, Painful ChildhoodKelly Rowland has been heating up the charts and airwaves as of late, and as interest builds around Rowland and her personal life, the singer is now opening up about her much-talked-about breast implants and her fatherless childhood.

In the cover feature of the November issue of Cosmopolitan U.K., Rowland discusses her decision to get breast implants in October 2007. And while some would assume that Rowland’s decision mirrored many other impulse plastic surgery stories, she explains that she thought long and hard before augmenting her breasts and has no regrets about her decision.

“I said in an interview a long time ago that I’d get it done because I just had little nuggets for boobs and it was bothering me,” said Rowland. “The decision was 10 years in the making so I’m comfortable talking about it. It’s something I really wanted to do for myself – not for a man, not for work, for myself … and I love them.”

While talking about the past, the former Destiny’s Child member also discussed the painful impact of father, Christopher Lovett’s, departure during her childhood and how “The Cosby Show” became a source of solace during the years that followed.

“I haven’t seen my dad for almost 20 years. It’s nothing I want a pity party for. He left me and my mom, and I was angry,” she says. “I wanted to be a daddy’s girl so bad. God d–n ‘The Cosby Show’ because that made me think, ‘Why isn’t my family like that?’ But this is not a perfect world.”

In June, Lovett attempted to contact his daughter through a tabloid, a move Rowland didn’t appreciate. Despite the tabloid offense, Rowland says that plans to slowly but surely reconnect with her father.

“He reached out to me saying he wanted to see me, but it’s unfortunate he did it so publicly,” said Rowland. “I want to meet him, and soon, I really do. I forgave him a long time ago.”

And though his abandonment marred her childhood, Rowland explains that his absence fuels her drive to provide a loving family for her future children.

“More than anything it’s taught me to provide my future children with a great father, and make sure I make the right decision when it comes to men,” Rowland said.

Though Rowland may not be ready just yet to settle down like her musical “sister,” Beyoncé, it’s clear that when she does, she’ll have the self-love and life experience to make her family dreams become a healthy reality.

Watch video of Rowland’s cover shoot here. –nicholas robinson

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