Georgette ‘Gigi’ Dixon, Wells Fargo’s SVP and Director of National Partnerships Says Social Responsibility is Key

Georgette 'Gigi' Dixon, Wells Fargo's SVP and Director of National Partnerships Says Social Responsibility is Key

Wells Fargo offers a variety of educational tools and resources to help consumers better manage their spending, save more and pay down debt. Recently, Dixon partnered with the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) to create the UNCF Empower Me Tour Campaign.

“It’s really special to me personally because I have a passion for making sure young people understand basic principles of building and maintaining good credit and managing their finances,” Dixon tells rolling  out. “This comes from personal experiences I had as a college graduate who was recruited into management straight out of college and found myself struggling with my finances a year later.”

Here, we get to learn more about the influential leader, and Dixon shares her advice for future business leaders.

Professionally speaking, what is the best business book that you’ve read lately?

The best business book I’ve read lately is The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell which suggests that little changes can have big effects.  In other words, small actions can reach a tipping point that can change the world. I like the idea of being able to change the world!

Personally speaking, what health routines do you employ to strengthen your mind and body?

I drink a lot of water and walk as often as possible to strengthen my mind and body.  I also pray and meditate frequently.

How do you assess areas in your personal life that are in need of improvement?

I am always open for constructive feedback.  I seek input and counsel from others and I frequently review my personal goals to see how well I am progressing toward achieving them.

How important is it to maintain a career and family balance?

I think it’s imperative to create and maintain family balance.  Good family balance affects all aspects of work-life, including job satisfaction and commitment to achievement at work and at home.  A happy home life leads to a better work-life experience and ultimately helps us feel positively about our job, our employer and our extended relationships.

What sports or activities do you participate do you feel promote excellence?

I like bowling, skiing, golf and dancing.  While I can’t claim to be the best at any of these sports and activities, I like the idea of competing against myself and working to improve my “game.”  I also like team sports.

What is your daily media diet? What news sites do you visit most often, and why?

·        The Links, Incorporated, Charlotte Chapter Member – Provides a platform for developing friendships with other community minded women who are focused on sisterhood and community service locally and nationally.  My membership in The Links, Inc. has provided a platform for me to engage women who have achieved in their professional lives and personal lives what I aspire to accomplish.  The women of The Links, Inc. are pillars of the community who I can identify with as mentors, sisters and friends who want to be the change we want to see in our community and on the world stage.

·        Women Executives, Member – a wonderful, multi-cultural forum of senior executive women who are corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and civic leaders in the Charlotte, NC community.  I have been a member for several years and I enjoy the freedom to be me among my peers who are all VERY busy, driven, accomplished women who come together to network, share and learn from one another.

·        Opera Carolina, Chairman, Board of Directors.

Why is it important for women to embrace the UNCF Empower Me Tour movement?

It’s important for women to embrace this movement because not only do women have a different financial life than men (and we need to know how to invest and manage our finances differently to ensure long-term financial stability), but the tour also focuses on empowering young women with leadership skills and college readiness seminars.

What is your best advice for future career women?

Believe in yourself and do not let any fear, doubt or anger stand in the way of achieving your goals and dreams.  Align yourself with positive, supportive people who are on track to achieve their goals.  Find someone who will invest time and wisdom in you as you navigate life’s journey.  Take calculated risks and expect bumps in the road.  An occasional fall will help you learn to get up faster and go farther on your journey.  Finally, invest in others. Give as much as you get and don’t forget where you or “it” (whatever you achieve, accomplish or amass in life), comes from.  Never compromise your integrity or character for what appears to be a golden opportunity.  Be yourself.

What empowers you?

My belief in God empowers me.  I believe that I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me!

Photos: Scenes from the Empower Me Tour.

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