Top 10 Tom Joyner Fantastic Voyage Moments From 2011

Top 10 Tom Joyner Fantastic Voyage Moments From 2011

You haven t really experienced a cruise until you roll with the Tom Joyner Fantastic Voyage. Throngs of TJFV disciples testified that they cannot even conceive of going on a “regular” cruise ever again.

The seven dizzying days of nonstop partying, concerts, dating games, panel discussions, celebrity sitings, fellowship, casino gambling, eating, dancing, old-school acts, water gun fights and trips to exotic Caribbean countries are enough take down even the strongest man and woman.

Yet they come back year after year, like they need another hit of that Tom Joyner magic, with many attending every Tom Joyner cruise since its inception 13 years ago.

On no other cruise is every event, concert, musical selection, panel discussion, entertainment acts, parties – and even the food – catered specifically to a predominately African American audience.

Top 10 Tom Joyner Fantastic Voyage Moments From 2011

That’s why so many folk on this cruise are spoiled. They can never go back to an ordinary cruise again. Even celebrities come back multiple times, like LisaRaye and Salt of Salt-N-Pepa, who partied on the deck of the ship like their lives depended on it. In fact, many celebrities go at it harder than the veteran cruisers.

And, with less than a week before the Tom Joyner Fantastic Voyage sets sail from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., for a ride around Cuba and into Jamaica and then to the Bahamas, it’s time to recap the 10 best moments of the TJFV 2011.

-terry shropshire

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