New Porn Website Offers Ultimate Revenge for Your Ex

New Porn Website Offers Ultimate Revenge for Your Ex

Go on and admit it.

When you were in love, there were no boundaries. The trust was deep and you thought nothing of capturing your moments of passion on film. What’s the harm? The homemade film or pic was just for the two of you, right?


If you’ve had a nasty breakup, your ex has a new weapon for revenge: Is Anyone Up?, a website where anybody can post your naked pictures and link your Facebook profile page just for good measure.

The website was created by 26-year-old Hunter Moore. The website clocks 30 million views monthly.

If the private photos aren’t destructive enough, the poster can also add little tidbits about your personal life and/or relationship.

The internet world knows that Kay of Chicago “is married and has a baby, these are her pregnant nudes that she sent to people other than her husband.”

And Kay is shown, naked and preggo, with her wedding ring in full view.

Strangely, it’s not just ex-lovers who turn on each other, ex-besties are forking over nude pics as well.

Rolling out, initially suspecting that the site was a new outlet for wannabe porn stars, checked some of the attached Facebook pages, and these people are real, with legitimate jobs and profiles.

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