Best Summer Jobs for Black Graduates, From High School to College

Best Summer Jobs for Black Graduates, From High School to College

7. Housing inspections and other types of inspector are great summer jobs and you can take the
skill set away afterward. Many cities and states now require housing inspectors to review and inspect property on the spot. This is paid per inspection. Last but not least, installation. There are many companies looking for installers for home depot, cable companies, alarm companies,many of these are great jobs are great part time opportunities. May not say you will be part time but working with technology, learning how to install cameras, install computer servers, these technological summer jobs are waiting for you but also provide you with a skill set to do it post part time on weekends, while in college or as a secondary job but you enjoy working with your hands, working with technology and getting paid by the installation verses by the hour.

All of these opportunities are their waiting for you and are some of the best jobs with benefits available.

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