Nicki Minaj Opens Up About Sexuality and Abusive Father

Nicki Minaj Opens Up About Sexuality and Abusive Father

The journey to hip-hop’s main stage hasn’t always been an easy trek for rap queen Nicki Minaj. The enigmatic rapping Barbie doll wasn’t embroiled in the treacherous street life like many emcees, but her home life was just as violent, as she’s explained on numerous occasions. Her father was an abusive drug user, and in her latest interview with Rolling Stone, Nicki opens up about her dysfunctional past.

In the interview, Nicki explains that her father is none too pleased that she’s spoken so freely about their tumultuous past, despite her parents still being together. But Nicki sends a warning to him and other abusive father’s about the consequences of attacking their wives and families.

“It’s the price you pay when you abuse drugs and alcohol,” she shares. “Maybe one day your daughter will be famous and talk to every magazine about it, so think about that [you] dads out there who want to be crazy.”

On a lighter note, Nicki also discusses the hot topic of her sexuality, which has both perplexed and mesmerized fans since her debut. Though Nicki came onto the scene saying that she was bisexual, she now claims that she only said that to get attention.

“I think girls are sexy,” she explained. “But I’m not going to lie and say that I date girls.”

Well, Nicki isn’t the only star with a troubled relationship with their father. Check out other stars with daddy issues below. – nicholas robinson


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