Beyoncé Calls Rihanna ‘Beyond Hope,’ Tells Jay-Z to Stay Away

Beyoncé Calls Rihanna 'Beyond Hope,' Tells Jay-Z to Stay Away

Beyonce has become so disturbed and disgusted with Rihana’s ongoing recent antics that she has disowned the enchanting chanteuse and even ordered Jay-Z to stay away from her, the media reports.

Bey Bey has warned the Jigga Man that his artist and protege is on a downward spiral mentally and emotionally with ceaseless partying, drug use that she may be beyond redemption.

She’s told Jay that Ri-Ri’s beyond hope and just isn’t their problem” anymore, a source close to Beyonce shared with

This drama has been going on for so long and people get hurt because she won’t grown up,” added nowmagazine. “Bey wants Jay to keep his distance.”

What is the “Crazy in Love” singer mean when she basically calls Rihanna crazy? Well, let’s do an inventory of Ri-Ri’s recent public appearances:

  1. One, the “Rude Boy” and “Whips and Chains” singer tweeted a photo of herself with a stripper between her legs. Not the most wholesome thing that you can do if you want to attain a wholesome image.
  2. Rihanna also tardy for the party at the Las Vegas iHeart Radio Festival, where she was scheduled to perform. When she finally arrived, she only gave 30 minutes and then dashed off to the 10ak nightclub where witnesses saw her “vomiting into a napkin,” according to the examiner.
  3. Finally, Ri-Ri angered many fans and domestic violence advocates when she tweeted support for Chris Brown, the man who pulverized her three years ago, during his probation appearance in Los Angeles after he was caught with marijuana in his system while still on probation. Not a good look. She even said she would testify on his behalf if necessary.
  4. Now it appears that the two will officially get back together, especially when Breezy tweeted last week that he dumped girlfriend Karrueche Tran because he didn’t want the Rihanna frienship to continue to come between them. Isn’t that thoughtful?

Whether it’s one of these or a combination of factors, Beyonce has made it clear that she doesn’t want her husband to mixed up with Ri-Ri too tight for the time being.

What do you think? Is Beyonce overreacting, or does she have a point? 

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