Beyoncé and Jennifer Lopez have a new kindred sister in politics, Kerry Washington, star of ABC’s “Scandal.”
In a new Op-Ed piece, Washington tells the Daily Beast that she’s unsure of Mitt Romney’s commitment to women’s issues and she’s voting for President Barack Obama.
“Our president’s strong belief in women, and in the equality and opportunity we deserve, is without question. However, where I see bold exclamation points in President Obama’s values, accomplishments and plans for the next four years, I look at Mitt Romney and see mostly question marks. There are a lot of answers Mitt Romney still hasn’t given women. Why won’t he stand up for equal pay? Why won’t he support renewing the Violence Against Women Act? And while I am surprised that Romney won’t commit to those things, I’m even more concerned about what he will commit to.
Kerry Washington continues, “Not a single one of us can afford to be silent. Suffragettes went to jail so that women could vote. Unless we exercise that right, our democratic process becomes irrelevant. If we don’t use our voices this year, we will waste our hard-fought political power and we will risk losing many more precious rights and freedoms … Together, we need to stand up for the kind of America we want — one where women and girls are equal, strong and proud, and where we all have a president who has our back.”
Washington joined Beyoncé and Jennifer Lopez in a campaign video to support President Obama, take a look.