How do you look your best without moving a muscle? The Photoshop Diet of course!
Finally, you can lose weight, and turn back the hands of time without working out, or plastic surgery, or any effort whatsoever that would compete with your butt-on-the-couch time.
For example, Christina Aguilera proudly rolled out her new ads for her cologne, where she appears ten years younger and at least 30 pounds lighter, never mind that she was just flouncing around on the red carpet with her real face and curvy body two weeks ago.
The Photoshop Diet is widely considered the poor woman’s plastic surgery, all you need is a photo and a graphic artist to bend, stretch and airbrush the pounds away. So, if Christina can do, it, so can you.
Here are a few of the best Photoshop Diets and beauty treatments online to give you inspiration.