Flu outbreak 2013: 5 states hit hardest

Flu outbreak 2013: 5 states hit hardest

Flu season started a month earlier and is attacking Americans with a stronger strain, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The N3N2 strain (leads to a more severe case of the flu), is now pummeling several states at elevated levels.

Notes the CDC: “Forty-seven states reported widespread geographic influenza activity; 2 states reported regional activity; the District of Columbia reported local activity; 1 state reported sporadic activity; Guam reported no influenza activity, and Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands did not report.”

Some states are getting hit harder than others, however; the CDC reports “elevated” levels of flu-like illnesses have been found in five of 10 regions of the USA. Take  a look.

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