She’s back. Veteran anchor Robin Roberts returned to ABC’s “Good Morning America” studio and she’s glowing.
Early to rise, Roberts arrived at the studio at 5 a.m. and it was her first time back since her bone marrow transplant on Sept. 20, 2012. She suffers from myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), which is a rare blood disorder that affects the bone marrow.
“What a thrill to be back at ‘GMA’s’ Times Square Studio this morning and see the best folks in the world, my ‘GMA‘ family,” Roberts, 51, said in a statement to the press. “I can’t wait to get back to the anchor chair in a few weeks.” Roberts anticipated return is sometime in February.
Rocking a bald head and looking absolutely stunning, Roberts brings to mind the many women who when they shave their heads or remove the wigs, weaves and/or extensions, you realize how naturally beautiful and refined most of them are. Check out some other bald beauties.
–yvette caslin