Justin Bieber and other celebrities who fight with their neighbors


Justin Bieber’s name has been floating in recent news. Luckily for him, he wasn’t physically involved in the car wrecks and parties that drew all the negative attention. This time, not only was Bieber present, he was the main event. The Canadian singer allegedly spit in the face of his neighbor who went to Bieber’s house to complain about him driving his Ferrari at full speed in the gated community and endangering the residents. While Justin is denying these allegations, there is said to be a witness — a landscaper working beside the house came forward saying he saw Bieber spit in the neighbor’s face and threaten to kill him.

Bieber isn’t the first celebrity who has allegedly been involved in a feud with the neighbors. Some celebrities have been hit with pretty hefty lawsuits after spats with their neighbors.

Click here to see which celebs have been sued by their neighbors.

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