Judy Smith:The real-life woman portrayed by Kerry Washington on ‘Scandal’

judy smith2Judy Smith is among the most powerful black women in Washington, D.C. but you’ve probably never even heard of her.  Judy is a power player on a very high level – who comes in at the most heated times of a client’s catastrophe.  She is, by all accounts, a crisis management professional to be reckoned with – much like the character that loosely mimics her career – played by the beautiful Kerry Washington on the series Scandal.

Unlike Kerry, Judy has built her career literally operating in the shadows.  You won’t find very much information online covering Judy, and you won’t see her photo plastered all over the place.  However, she has been quite accessible to those in power who have needed her very specific set of skills.  When politicos get caught up in very ‘sensitive’ situations – Judy is one of the first people that they place a call to.

Now, aside from being the inspiration for Scandal, Judy is also one of the show’s executive producers and, an up-and-coming author.  She has been involved in a number of very high-profile cases, ranging from the Monica Lewinksy ‘scandal’ to the infamous British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  To be called upon for such serious and diverse assignment attests to the skills and power that this woman has in her arsenal.  All this, and until recently, no one could even find a face shot of the mysterious Ms. Smith… if that is, indeed her real name… Kidding.  With a repertoire that spans the gamut from celebrity breakdowns to political fallout and on to corporate calamity, Judy has proven to be the go-to for a variety of scenarios, and has saved the careers and livelihoods of untold numbers of high-profile clients.

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