Shani Curry-St. Vil: 10 things you can do with your tax refund


5. Choose to invest (stocks, IRAs, bonds)

If you have dealt with your debt, you have money saved and you have paid down your creditors and you still have cash flow choose to invest.Make your money work for you. Schedule a consultation with a banker or a financial advisor that could either get you started and or reinvent your current plan.

4. Contribute to a savings account

There is nothing like having money that belongs to no one but you. Not for a child’s college. Not for retirement. I call this me Me Money. This money that has no interest in no one but me! So if I need to make wardrobe additions, invest in my business, and or plan a trip. I need not consult no one but me! So ,instead of emotionally spending the money at a drop of a dime, I store it and when a genuine ant/desire/investment/interest  comes about I am ready!

3. Make an invest in educating yourself

Take the money and enroll in a continuing education course that will either help you into a new career or build your business skills. The value placed on oneself dictates the amount of value one can attract!

2.Invest or start a business

Have you been thinking of beginning a business and you have a plan , but no money. Here is a chance, you the money to take a calculated risk on yourself. If you already knee deep in building your business reassess if this  cash  could help you get ahead at a faster rate by investing  in more inventory, a part time employee, or even health care insurance.

1. Buy a copy of her book: 10 Things Every Woman Should Keep In Her Purse

Read More at  www.purseempowerment, and order 10 Things Every Woman Should Keep In Purse … today!

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