Celebrities who are famous for no good reason

reason, heidi-montag-900-600This generation, more than any other in modern American history, has presented with this most peculiar and maddening of social phenomenons: A steady drizzle of talent-free people who are catapulted into fame for reasons that elude even the most observant pop culture experts.

Some manage to fame-whore themselves with enough relentlessness to make their 15 minutes of fame last longer than we’d probably desire for them, but that doesn’t take away the nagging question of how they became famous in the first place.

We are not hating. I imagine that there are people out there who would sell their own children into bondage if they switch places with the following list of celebrities. But the following people make it almost impossible to “follow in their footsteps” because there is no roadmap or blueprint for anyone to emulate their actions — and that’s because their route to fame was so unorthodox.

Here is a list of celebrities who are famous for no good reason.

Amber Rose — If you count being on the pole as a skill, then she is ultra-talented. But when did Kanye West decide that she was “the one,” and did he first see her backside or see Amber Rose upside down on the stripper’s pole? 

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