NFL player seeks return of engagement ring from ex

mario williams

When Buffalo Bills star Mario Williams presented the $785,000 10-carat diamond ring to his now ex-fiancée Erin Marzouki, he was in love. But things have changed and the defensive end worth over $30m with a $100m contract wants it back, so he’s suing her for it. Not so fast buddy. Did you forget the text messages you sent which read: “Keep those material things. It means nothing to me anymore,” and “KEEP IT! Remember me by it”? It doesn’t matter if you did, because Marzouki has launched a counter suit, claiming it was a gift.

In his lawsuit, Williams accuses Marzouki of ending the couple’s engagement after a year because she “never intended to marry and used the relationship as a means to get money and acquire gifts,” according to court documents.

Click continue and take out your Readers because you will need them to review the court docs. Then, see the ring for yourself. Make sure your sunglasses are handy! 

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