The Internet was buzzing with the news that House Speaker Boehner’s daughter was set to marry a dreadlocked Jamaican man, especially when news of his arrest for weed possession hit the airwaves.
Jack McCain, 27, is an officer in the U.S. Air Force who met his newlywed wife, Renee Swift, 29, while the two were stationed in Guam. Swift, a captain in the Air Force reserves, hails from San Francisco. Even former presidential candidate Mitt Romney attended the ceremonies.
Predictably, father John McCain’s Facebook page was littered with racist messages, with some calling McCain and his son “traitors.”
Can you imagine that, the conservative McCains called “traitors?” When you add the fact that Sen. McCain was a POW in the Vietnam War and endured years of torture in a foreign country that leaves him unable to raise his arms above his shoulders, then the denunciations become even more preposterous.
Take a look at some of the photos of Sen. McCain’s new daughter-in-law, Renee Swift, with the rest of the family at the wedding as well as individual shots below.